Media Evolution The Conference

The Conference will be opened by Ben Hammersley, Editor at Large at Wired UK, to do a keynote presentation about human behavior. Ben is a British writer and technologist, specializing in the effects of the Internet on the worldʼs political, cultural and social spheres.
Caroline McCarthy will curate one of the breakout sessions. Caroline is a Marketer and Evangelist at Google and Editor of their Think Quarterly publication.
To us, The Conference is all about stopping for a moment. We believe that it’s important to look, listen and analyze what’s going on.
To get a holistic view of our fascinating and fast moving world The Conference is split in three parts. Each of them focus on subjects that are crucial for the development of the media industries today and in the future.
The three main subjects at this year’s The Conference will be human behavior, new technology and how to make it happen. They are more thoroughly introduced in our blog.
Like last year, each main subject is broken down into four break out sessions. Some topics we’ll look closer at are open innovation, collaborative consumption and mobile.