Latest report on Berlin’s creative industries published

21. oktoober, 2014

csm 01 KWB13 Inhalt small.pdf 01 75e00f44a3The third Creative Industries Report, which was produced under the aegis of the Senate Department for Economic Affairs, Technology and Research/Projekt Zukunft, is now available for download. The results underline the economic strength and dynamic growth of the creative industries in Berlin. 


The Creative Industries Report summarizes the development of creative industries in Berlin in figures, assessments and trends and examines the topics income, tourism and cross innovation. Economically, the city is now positioned better than it has been for a long time. In particular, the areas design, software/games, music, art market and advertising are booming. Since 2009, the number of companies in the creative sector has risen by 3,500 to 28,200, sales by 3.6 billion to 16.6 billion euros and the number of employees by 30,000 to nearly 190,000. The creative and digital companies based in Berlin act as growth and innovation drivers for the whole of Berlin’s economy.

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