Justin O’Connor : in creative sector you cannot copy the examples

13. detsember, 2011

altFrom 19th until 21st of October the largest creative industries event took place in Estonia – international conference Creative Entrepreneurship for a Competitive Economy. CreativeEstonia had a short interview with Justin O’Connor, Professor in the Creative Industries Faculty, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

and visiting Chair, Department of Humanities, Shanghai Jiaotong University.


What should the governments do in order to develop creative industries?

I’d bring out two points which I consider important. First, look through the regulations. There are many properties which are empty but not usable by creative enterprises. At the same time it should be avoided that big architecture firms take over these empty places and as a results there is a super expensive real estate.

Secondly, make available places for creative industries to develop. Once there a space for doing creative work, there will be results as well.

What has been done in Australia in order to develop creative industries?

I cannot answer this question. What I can say is that has been done in Brisbane, where I’m working. There has been lot of focus on discussions & actions on how to create access to space and this way facilitate the growth of creative industries.

Though you said you can’t comment on Australian realities, are there any good examples to bring from creative industries sector?

Absolutely no. I don’t like to bring examples of success stories because I believe in creative sector you cannot copy the examples. It’s all about being creative yourself.