STORYTEK FORUM, 19th November, Tallinn

Storytek Forum is a creative media financing conference, where you will find out how to seed, grow & profit from your creation on a global level. Storytek Forum is a one day brainstorming forum featuring business leaders from film, games, technology, startups, finance and marketing to share, discuss and open up the possibilities in the digital content and IP development. This is going to be an introduction and co-working kickstart event for Storytek Accelerator, a creative sector accelerator about to start in 2017.
Benefit from this event:
- Expand your story or creation to multi-platform IP universe with global appeal
- Discover new forms of distribution, marketing and financing
- Explore the possibilities and strategies for different platforms
- Learn from the top mentors and professionals in film, games, transmedia financing
- Expand your professional network
Storytek Forum is held in Nordic Hotel Forum Tallinn along the audovisual summit Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event of 20th Black Nights FF – the only FIAPF certified A class Film Festival in the Region. Storytek Forum is organized by Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event and partnered by Head Capital, the innovative investment group.
Meet world-class experts
Mix with the marketing executives of Sony Entertainment, the producer of Iron Sky, the digital producer of Academy Award Gala (The Oscars), the casting director of Call of Duty and a number of film, content and venture capital specialists, investors and creative talents from Europe, USA and Asia.