Routes4U Grant: Call for EUSBSR

Call for project proposals
This call for proposals is launched in the framework of the joint programme of the European Union and Council of Europe “Routes4U”. Routes4U aims to create synergies between the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and the four EU macro-regions.
The mini-grant aims to contribute to the EU-Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR), one of the four EU macro-regional strategies, that covers eight countries: Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland.
Project proposals shall produce an added value to the Council of Europe and the European Commission’s efforts in the domain of Cultural Routes and macro-regional strategies. In the framework of the present call for proposals, they shall help enhancing the common identity within the macro-regional strategy for the Baltic Sea Region.
Contribution to the objectives of Policy Areas Culture and Tourism
The activities carried out in the framework of the grant-system must be in line with the objective of the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea region (EUSBSR). Projects have to aim at contributing to the objectives of PA Cultureand PA Tourism of the EUSBSR.
What kind of activities are supported?
The activities should support local economies in an innovative and sustainable manner and contribute to the visibility of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. The action needs to be inclusive as well as transnational, crossing at least three countries in the Baltic Sea region (the more countries of the Baltic Sea Region are involved, the better). Special attention should be given to young people and women entrepreneurships.
Deadline for application: 4 February 2019.
More information about Routes4U & the call for proposals here.
Read also about the first Routes4U meeting for EUSBSR in the blog.