Pilot project for Cultural and Creative Industries

The 2019 Annual Work Programme for the implementation of the Pilot Project ‘Finance, Learning, Innovation and Patenting for Cultural and Creative Industries (FLIP for CCIs)’ foresees the launch of a call for proposals funded under Budget Line 15 04 77 19, with a maximum amount of €1,050,000 allocated to the development of an action addressing this specific objective.
This action follows a first phase of the pilot project (call for proposals EAC/S11/2018), which is currently ongoing. Since areas one (Finance) and four (Patenting) have been covered extensively already in the first phase, this second phase of the pilot project will focus on areas two (Learning) and three (Innovation).
One of the pillars of the European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage, launched by the European Commission to ensure the legacy of the European Year beyond 2018, is “boosting skills in cultural heritage professions”. Actions should support the initial and continuing development of qualified professionals and the improvement in knowledge management and knowledge transfer in the cultural heritage sector, at the same time linking them to CCIs and regional policies.
The main objective of the FLIP for CCIs-2 project is to explore activities which aim to bridge the gap between on the one hand, cultural heritage education and skills development and on the other hand the labour market, and to encourage in particular connections with creative industries and ‘third places’ such as creative hubs, maker spaces, fablabs, cultural centers, community centers or other.
The grant agreement resulting from this call for proposals will be allocated to one single project. The duration of the project shall be 28 months and is expected to start at the beginning of 2020.
Deadline for applications is 12 August 2019!
More information can be found here.