Open Club Day – over 100 venues & clubs participate at the 2nd European edition

The second European edition of the Open Club Day is just around the corner. Over 100 venues & clubs from 9 different European countries are busy getting ready to open their doors during daytime and invite their visitors backstage.
The objective of the Open Club Day is to give insight into clubs, venues and other concert places to those who do not actively participate at nightlife activities. By showing the reality of their daily work, venues & clubs demystify the stereotypes that are so often associated with live music events and that can cause a lack of understanding of the true value of these cultural places. The Open Club Day promotes exchange between live music professionals, neighbours, nightlife-activists, families, politicians and curious night owls.
Every participating venue & club creates its own programme for the occasion. Part of the activities are guided club tours, workshops on sound and light technique, sound checks, club safaris through cities and round tables that invite to discuss club culture in its different facets.
Read more HERE.