- 09.10.2017 - PSII won pan-European eGovernance Solutions competition
- 19.09.2017 - 10 ideas from 5 countries reached to semi-finals of the pan-European e-Governance competition
- 14.09.2017 - SULA CONFERENCE 11.-12.10.2017
- 29.08.2017 - 14 Estonian companies are going to Nordic BUZZ at the Habitare design fair
- 27.07.2017 - How to solve the chicken-or-egg question? Article by Hille Hinsberg
- 28.06.2017 - Musicians international promotion
- 28.06.2017 - What are the skills gaps for Creative and Cultural Industries to go International?
- 19.06.2017 - Nordic Cool and Creative Nordic Conference
- 12.06.2017 - Send your best idea to eGovernance competition!
- 06.06.2017 - NordicBaltic Festival Platform: Call for Collaborative Arts & Culture Projects
- 02.06.2017 - Best from the NEST – Listen to the stories of our incubation programme alumni
- 23.05.2017 - Creativity online Summit from 22 to 24th of May
- 08.05.2017 - Silence Awareness Existence residency program in Finland
- 04.05.2017 - 4D International Conference in Lithuania
- 28.03.2017 - Estonian designers @ Milan Design Week Designersblock
- 21.03.2017 - Creative Entrepreneurship Academy 2017: Designing Creative Ecosystems and Businesses.
- 21.03.2017 - Data as remedy: 24h post-truth hackathon in Tartu
- 20.03.2017 - Cultural and Creative Industries in Europe:
- 09.03.2017 - N.I.C.E. AWARD 2017 – A European Award for Innovations in Culture and Creativity