N.I.C.E. AWARD – A European Award for Innovations in Culture and Creativity

The topic for the year 2015 is Solving the World’s Major Challenges – A Call for Innovations.
The 2015 award challenges the cultural and creative sectors to propose surprising and experimental innovations that are solutions to difficult global problems with special, but not exclusive, attention given to digital innovations.
Entries eligible to the N.I.C.E. Award can be single individuals such as artists; or organisations such as companies and public institutions or agencies, non-profit foundations or initiatives as well as single researchers of research institutions from within the cultural creative sectors. Teams, even those without legal personality, can also apply.
The entries can be single projects that have already been realized or implemented policies, as well as other innovative activities, such as planned research or proposed projects. They must be no older than three years.
Up to 15 projects will be nominated for the award by July 2015. These will constitute the N.I.C.E. Award Shortlist 2015 and be presented in the N.I.C.E. exhibition opening on September 22 2015 in Essen, Germany. The jury will select a maximum of four winners from the exhibition by interviewing all nominees on September 22.
The Awards Ceremony will be held on September 23 and hosted by Garrelt Duin, Minister for Economic Affairs, Energy and Industry of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in the GOP Varieté in Essen on occasion of the Forum d´Avignon Ruhr.
The Award total can be up to 20.000 Euro. Its distribution amongst the four winners is to be decided by the jury.
The special prize 2015 will focus on digital innovations.
Deadline: 1 July