Invitation: Hackathon “Creativity into business” @Narva

Have you ever met a person who has nothing to do with the field of creativity? Neither have we – all of us at some point of life need to use our creativity in our everyday life, even in little bits. Creativity and the creative economy has the power within to transform other sectors of our everyday life.
The Circular Economy has been an important topic for a while. The scarcity of many natural resources has brought more sustainable ways of production as a top priority.
By combining the two – creativity and circularity – we believe we can achieve a Creative Circular Economy where different types of wastes are upcycled and distributed to the masses.
The main challenges we have today, to name a few:
Used clothes are being thrown away
On a post-Industrial level-up to 40% of intake materials are discarded
Quality raw material is wasted which can be used for fashion design, accessories and so on
Loov Eesti, Ida-Viru Centre of Creative Industry and Textileinventory recycling specialists, craftsmen, designers, entrepreneurs and other active participants who wish to find new business models and approaches in joining together creative industries and circular economy.
During the 2-day hackathon teams will go all the way from idea to prototype. With mentors’ help, new creative circular economy solutions or business models will be developed:
1. Fashion design – the usage of quality fabric scraps in clothing industry
2. Accessories (jewelry, bags, purses etc) – making new designs for accessories from available materials
3. Craftsmanship – usage of materials in making souvenirs and unique gifts
4. Usage of fabrics and other materials in interior design
5. Promotional materials – reusing promotional T-shirts made for marketing purposes which lose their meaning after the events
Participation Cost for a two-day event with lunch, dinner and coffee breaks
School and University Students 5€
Everyone else 15€
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