Gaming giants to visit Tallinn University

The biggest game developer and publisher Creative Mobile, Tallinn University Baltic Film
and Media School and gaming accelerator GameFounders host a game conference called
GameDev Days 2015 in Tallinn on April 8th and 9th, 2015. Featured speakers include people
from Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, Apple and others.
The largest game developers’ conference in Estonia will take place on April 8-9 in Tallinn
University, Astra building. The conference has three main topics: technology, business and
The technology section will host various seminars and workshops where game developers can get
general advice as well as share their experiences in developing. The business part of the
conference will handle pillars of the game business – finding and keeping users. A new segment
for this year is game studies – Tallinn University has arranged talks by researchers from around the
globe. The topics will include gaming psychology, neurosciences and using games in education. A
separate block will introduce the new Master’s program at Tallinn University called Learning
Games, which will start in autumn 2015.
“What we have here is the largest gaming-related conference in the Baltic and Nordic countries.
The conference will bring together international top developers from three fields: scientists
working with games, enterprises creating games and developers creating the technologies behind
the games,” explains associate professor of BFM and one of the organizers of the event, Andres
The key speakers of GameDev Days include representatives from many giants of the gaming
sector: Creative Mobile, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Unity and GameFounders.
In addition, developers from Estonia and other countries will present their new games at the
showcasing event called Game Village.
The Estonian gaming industry has grown rapidly in the past years and currently encompasses over
30 companies. Many Russian and Ukrainian companies, who enjoy the transparent business
culture and the e-services in Estonia, are also moving here. The potential of the gaming industry in
Estonia is comparable to the Nordic countries, where one position in the gaming industry
generated more than €250,000 revenue in 2014.
More information on the conference, tickets and sponsors of the conference can be found on The final programme will be published in the middle of March.
Further information:
Anna Silem