Finno-Ugric approach to sustainable lifestyle

NID will launch its very first pop up showroom in London this September under Shoreditch Design Triangle.
The core of the showroom is sustainable approach in Estonian and Finnish design: environmentally conscious production, low footprint, local organic materials, up-cycling and recycling. All together there will be up to 30 designers from these two neighbouring countries: Laura Itkonen, Bebe Organic, Reet Aus, HERTTA, Eva Spoof/Udumbara Studio, Nüüd Ceramics, Mari Upcycle Studio, Saimij, Lentsius Design, V.O.H Voice of Heart, Studio Tartuensis, Alpaka, UUP, Bonden, Pillirookõrs, miskes studio, Labora, WOH, Liisa Soolepp, Jarõna Ilo, Studio Holger Kilumets, Sile Luik Jewelry, Whiteparrot.
It is important to produce in coherence with environment and in line with the new and old – to lean on old traditions and knowledge, in the same time incorporating new approaches and technologies. The cultural heritage provides a strong basis on which to build new, but ecologically conscious solutions. For example, due to the fact that Estonia and Finland have still much forest and wildlife, it has helped the Finno-Ugric people to remain in a special relationship with the surrounding nature. The same spirit is seen in their work of art and design. By curating this showroom, NID would like to remind the importance of ecologically friendly materials and production.
Alongside the showroom we will organise a panel discussion about sustainable design, environmentally conscious production and its processes, where Reet Aus (EST), Eva Spoof (FIN) and Dust London (UK) will share their experience and knowledge.