Conference call:Insights and Tools for Managing Arts Projects with Societal Impact July 7th 2015 in Tallinn

We are announcing the ongoing call for MAPSI (Managing Art projects with Societal Impact ) conference till the 28th of February.
Dr Eleonora Belfiore is Associate Professor in Cultural Policy at the Centre for Cultural Policy Studies at the University of Warwick, UK. She has published extensively on the notion of the ‘social impacts’ of the arts and the effect that the rhetoric of impact has had on British cultural policy. Her work amounts to a sustained intellectual critique of the role of evidence and research in decision-making in the cultural sector, in favour of an approach that emphasises the political and value-driven dimension of cultural policymaking. She has written, with Oliver Bennett, a monograph on this topic entitled The Social Impact of the Arts: An intellectual history published by Palgrave in 2008 and co-edited with Anna Upchurch a volume entitled Humanities in the Twenty-First Century: Beyond Utility and Markets, published July 2013 by Palgrave, which looks at debates around the value and impact of the humanities. Over the past two years, Dr Belfiore has been developing a programme of research activities around the concept of ‘cultural value’, its definition, and its place in current policy discourses and justification for public subsidy of the arts and culture. In 2012, she founded The #culturalvalue Initiative (www.culturalvalueinitiative.
Takaya Kawamura is an Associate Professor at Graduate School of Business, Osaka City University, Japan, where he runs an arts-mediated critical MBA program for health/social care professionals and managers. His recent research interest centres on the knowledge-based management of public/not-for-profit organizations in the fields of healthcare, social welfare, arts and culture, education, regional activation, human rights protection, and environmental preservation, from the perspectives of organizational knowledge creation, community of practice, cultural-historical activity theory, new institutional theory, communitarian organization, professional/organizational ethics, and critical management studies. He has been a visiting scholar at ESSEC, Chemnitz University of Technology (CommerzBank visiting scholar), CRADLE (University of Helsinki), and Keele Management School (Keele University), and has presented researches at EGOS, EURAM, CMS, AIMAC, etc.
Hanna Brotherus is Finnish choreographer, an interesting and original figure in the field of Finnish dance. Her works are known for their politically biting perspective. Brotherus’ ensemble is often comprised of people of different ages and background. Hanna Brotherus aims for authentic expression and presence of the performers in her work. Her artistic vision is based on social awareness and her works often deal with such topics as memories, inter-generational relationships and social questions. Since early 2000’s Brotherus has choreographed and directed also a few dance films which have been shown in several dance and short film festivals in Europe. “Be always with us” won the 1st price in Cinedans festival, Amsterdam, in 2003.
Her recent works have been performed e.g. by physically disabled youngsters, elderly people and asylum seekers.
Teaching dance and movement is an important part of Hanna Brotherus’ work. She has conducted dance workshops for e.g. social workers, classical musicians, mothers and daughters and recovering drug addicts.
To present, please register and upload your abstract of 500 words through the website by February 28th 2015. Extended abstracts of 2000-3000 words are due May 11th 2015.
For attending without paper presentation please register on the by 28.06.2015.
For all registered participants, the conference is free of charge.
The conference is organized and supported by European Commission (EACEA) Lifelong Learning Programme. Please find the additional