Call for Applications: Music WorX Accelerator 2018

Music WorX is one of the few accelerators worldwide, specifically for startups and entrepreneurs from the music industry. Up to four new companies are funded through a compact, three-month programme and work with the support of experts and mentors from Hamburg’s music industry to develop their business ideas. This year the accelerator opens for applicants from all over Europe.
The call for applications for the Music WorX Accelerator programme ends on 17 June 2018.
More information:
Financial support / Each team receives €5,000 for support services to develop a business idea.
Cost-of-living allowance / €1,500 per person (for up to 3 persons per team) as a subsidy for living costs
Personal coaching / Participating teams receive an individually created qualification programme in the form of weekly workshops and individual consultation based on their needs.
Networking / We bring our start-ups with Hamburg companies together and network with relevant industry representatives.
Reeperbahn Festival Conference / Make contacts and present ideas: All teams will receive free accreditation and the opportunity to present their ideas at the Reeperbahn Festival Conference and Reeperbahn Festival.
Co-working place in Hamburg / During the three-month programme, the teams will have an office in a co-working space in Hamburg.
Founders or young entrepreneurs can apply to the Music WorX Accelerator programme if they meet the following eligibility requirements:
- they pursue an innovative business model that is related to the music industry
- Their centre of life is in Hamburg during the programme Once the programme has finished, the company headquarters should remain in Hamburg. In any case, business activities in Hamburg should be maintained and expanded at best.
- They (and a maximum of two colleagues) are willing to focus mainly on developing their business idea for three months (from 3 September to 30 November 2018)
- You are in the start-up phase or your company was established within the past two years
- The concepts submitted must have a high chance of being realised.
An independent jury of experts consisting of representatives from the Hamburg music industry, the Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft and the Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media will select the most innovative business models for the Music WorX Accelerator 2018 programme from all applications.
Feedback of the participants of the Music WorX Accelerator 2017 (Video):
www with more information:
Photo: Screenshot from Music WorX webpage.