@Diversity: a competition for innovative ideas has been launched

27. mai, 2013

The @Diversity Idea Competition was launched on the 21st of May 2013 to explore links between culture and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).

The @Diversity Idea Competition – Innovative Ideas for the cultural and creative sectors in Europe was launched on the 21st of May 2013 . It is seeking fresh and innovative ideas for the European cultural sectors making use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to create, make accessible, spread and/or finance culture. The @Diversity Idea Competition is open to all European Union citizens. Individuals and organisations (for profit or non-for-profit) can apply , as long as they are established in one of the EU Member States, plus Croatia.

The competition is being carried out in the context of the Pilot Project “@ Diversity – Innovative Ideas for the cultural and creative sectors in Europe” , an EU-funded initiative which was launched in January 2013. The overall objective to which @Diversity will contribute is to test innovative approaches for dealing with cultural content for innovation and digital sharing and distribution and – in doing so – it will also contribute to the exploration of new business models promoting cultural diversity.

Information about the competition and registration are available at www.at-diversity.eu

The call is open until the 19th of August 2013.

See also: http://ec.europa.eu/culture/news/20130523-diversity_en.htm


Applicant’s terms of reference

General conditions for participation