Design Challenge: Put Your Cluster On The Map

26. märts, 2012

put_your_clusterStudents, designers, communication agencies and web agencies are encouraged to take part in the ‘Put Your Cluster On The Map’ Challenge. In this competition, clusters and designers will team up to design the ultimate cluster interface and accompanying visualization.

25 clusters expressed their interest to participate in the ‘Put your Cluster on the Map’ competition. It is now up to designers to match-up with the clusters! You can find the list of participating clusters and information on how to sign up here (deadline: March 30th). Over the next few weeks, you will get to meet them. Some of the clusters will organize an interactive online session streamed live on this website!

Scheduled live sessions:
Tuesday March 13th, 14:00 CET: Cluster West
Tuesday March 13th, 16:00 CET: Vojvodina ICT Cluster
Wednesday March 14th, 14:00 CET: Canarias Excelencia Technológica

Winning teams of the contest (clusters and designers) will be presented and awarded during the European Cluster Conference that will take place in Vienna, Austria on 18-20 April 2012.

The prizes for the three winning teams are the following:


  • Prize 1 – A training session for the designer and a cluster assessment performed by Price Waterhouse Coopers
  • Prize 2 – A cluster assessment performed by Price Waterhouse Coopers and an inspiration tour to experience in Denmark, Copenhagen for the winning team
  • Prize 3 – An inspiration tour to experience in Denmark, Copenhagen for the winning team

More information about the competition and how to sign up >>