Special Map shows Coworking Spaces in Berlin

07. august, 2014

CoWorking-Spaces-Berlin-300x215A new map on the website of the German state initiative Project Future shows all coworking spaces in Berlin.

The map is available under the tab “Location information” Project’s website at www.berlin.de/projektzukunftThe list is continuously maintained and enhanced, so it is always up-to-date. New coworking spaces can also be included on the map.

About Projekt Zukunft/Project Future
Project Future is the initiative of Berlin´s Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research to support the growth areas of information and communication technology, media and creative economy. Project Future develops strategies for Berlin as a location; it builds platforms, initiates networks for the digital and creative economy  and organizes exchanges with businesses, develops new support instruments, compiles studies and implements innovative projects for the economy and the society.

Source: Project Future