Input into the development of new inducement prizes contests

08. aprill, 2014

The European Commission plans to launch a small number of inducement prizes from 2015, as part of Horizon 2020, its Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

Inducement prizes, also called challenge prizes, offer a reward to whoever can first, or most effectively, meet a defined challenge. They act as an incentive for meeting a specific challenge, rather than an award for past achievements. They prescribe a specific goal but not who the innovators should be or how the goal should be achieved.

For example, the European Commission offered a €2 million prize to encourage inventors to overcome one of the biggest barriers to using vaccines in developing countries: the need to keep them stable at any ambient temperature.

We are seeking your input into the development of new inducement prizes contests.

What would your prize be for? This platform offers you an opportunity to contribute your ideas through the discussion pages and blogs.

The thematic areas being considered by the European Commission for the challenge prizes are:

  • Transport
  • Health
  • Bio-economy
  • Creative materials
  • Energy

How you can contribute

We are conducting research and working with experts across the topic areas to develop the prizes. We realise that there could still be valuable insights that we’re missing though, and that’s why we’re asking you to add your views. Your practical work or research might relate directly or indirectly to one or more of the topics, or perhaps you have had experience as a consumer that would add a different viewpoint. This is an opportunity to contribute insights that could help define the challenge prizes.

You can contribute your ideas through the discussion pages, responding on the research papers that will be published here, engaging on the blogs and participating in the online discussions we will be holding.


To find out more about Horizon 2020.

To find out more about the Inducement Prizes