23/09/ Rahvusvaheline konverents SOS Design / The International Conference SOS Design

Rahvusvaheline konverents SOS Design, mis toimub Tallinna Disainifestival Disainiöö raames 23.09 on seekord fookusesse võtnud kriisiteema. Osutatakse disaini rollile ühiskonnas toimuvate muutuste ja kriisiolukordade lahendamisel. Seoses pandeemiaga on kriisi disainimise roll tähtsam kui eales varem. Lisaks pandeemiale on üleilmseid probleeme, mis nõuavad kiiret sekkumist, teisigi: majanduskriis, kliimasoojenemine, energiakriis, vaesus, vaimne kriis.
Konverentsil esinevad kriisiolukordade asjatundjaid nagu Ubaldo Spina; tervishoiu spetsialist Ain Aaviksoo; Alessia Buffagni, kes räägib hädaolukordade disaini toomise vajalikkusest disainiharidusse. Dario Donato, kes esineb Itaalia Disaini Päeva raames, esitleb nägemust tuleviku ruumikogemuseest ning kuuleme Mask Arhitektidelt näiteid talumatu kliima leevendamiseks Dubais. Tööstusdisainer Helene Steiner tutvustab biotehnoloogia tooteid. Paul Mendieta esitleb lahendusi veepuuduse likvideerimiseks.
The international conference SOS Design, which will take place within the framework of the Tallinn Design Festival Design Night on September 23, has this time focused on the crisis topic. The role of design in resolving changes and crises in society is pointed out. In the context of a pandemic, the role of crisis planning is more important than ever. In addition to the pandemic, there are other global problems that require urgent intervention: the economic crisis, global warming, the energy crisis, poverty, the mental crisis.
The conference will feature emergency experts such as Ubaldo Spina; health care specialist Ain Aaviksoo; Alessia Buffagni, who talks about the need to bring emergency design into design education. Dario Donato who will talk in the frames of Italian Design Day, presents a vision of the future spatial experience and we hear examples from Mask Architects to alleviate the intolerable climate in Dubai. Industrial designer Helene Steiner will present products for biotechnology. Paul Mendieta shows sustainable water management.
Konverents on inglisekeelne.
Vajalik eelregistreerimine / Pre-register here:
Peale registreerimist väljastatakse arve. / After registering an invoice will be sent.
10:00 Gathering with coffee cup
10:15 Ilona Gurjanova
Estonian Association of Designers, president. DISAINIÖÖ, main organiser
10:30 Alessia Buffagni
Ph.D. candidate in Design Sciences, research fellow and teaching assistant at Istituto Universitario di Architettura Venezia.
Is researching in gerontechnology and design for health and wellbeing.
Towards a resilient society: bringing Design for Emergencies into design education.
11:00 Ain Aaviksoo
Chief Medical officer. Healthin OÜ / Guardtime OÜ
How to marry Covid certificates and dignity? VaccineGuard. How to marry Covid certificates and dignity?
11:30 Helene Steiner
Biotech Research Park t/a OpenCell
CONTAIN – Rapid-response testing and sequencing labs
12:00 Lunch
12:45 Ubaldo Spina
Design Department Manager at CETMA Il Giornale dell’Architettura
From design to live to design to survive: scenarios, projects and visions.
13:15 Dario Donato
Design Principal at Spatialconnection(s)
Rendering tomorrow’s spatial experiences
13:45 Osnur Pinar Cer; Danilo Petta
Mask Architects
Abu Dhabi challenge competition: “I-Breathe just” for emergency apparatus for Covid cases and “Artificial breathing palm structure in Dubai»
14:25 Paul Mendieta
Deploy Tech Ltd
ArtsThread Graduate Competition. Deploy – Access to Water
15:00 Panel
Ubaldo Spina
Vastavalt riiklikele nõuetele kontrollime, kas kõik osalejad on täielikult vaktsineeritud, saanud negatiivse testitulemuse või taastunud COVID-19st viimase kuue kuu jooksul. /
In accordance with national requirements, we will check whether all participants have been fully vaccinated, tested negative or recovered from COVID-19 within the last six months.